What We Offer

We are committed to providing the absolute best affordable quality dog care to each and every one of our clients. Over the last 18 years, since our start, we’ve continued to grow while staying true to our original mission — to give you a winning service at an affordable price.

We are dog trainers so we take on the super social pups to the socially akward dog daycare dropouts. 


Rockin’ Paws is  previously known as The Traveling Leash Dog Training.  


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Rockin’ Paws is committed to the health and welfare of all dogs in our care. we’ll provide quality dog care that will give you peace of mind.

– Sarah Gorman


Welcome to Rockin’ Paws, LLC the Valleys premier dog boarding and dog training facility. 

The business originally started in 2005 when Sarah Gorman saw how expensive the dog care industry was. Wanting to provide quality dog care at an affordable price, a business was born. Eighteen years later that business has developed into a dog boarding doggy Disneyland.  Rockin’ Paws was created with dog whisperer Sarah Gorman and music legend James Frey to provide an epic journey for your best friend.   



Rockin’ Paws is your dogs home away from home. While they are here they are treated like VIPs and the royalty that they are. There is a large backyard for then to romp and play and outdoor debauchery. Agility equipment for the rockstars that are sporty as well. We have a balanced household so even the wildest rockstar learns how to maintain or learn calm house manners. 


We sell the quality training equipment that we use in our regular dog training program


Does your dog destroy hotel rooms and have accidents on the floor? Can they not contain their excitement for the next adventure and drag you down the sidewalk? We can help manage you wild child! 

music Lessons

If you’re new to making music, Rockin’ Paws resident rockstar will teach you the skills you need to get started! James is a professional musician and can teach most of the instruments on earth. We will have weekly jam sessions at our property. 


Client Testimonials


Sarah is amazing! She helped my 8 month old golden retriever and I with focus and fundamentals. We started with a few individual lessons and then we did a week in home because he was still struggling with distractions and meeting new people. I love Sarah’s approach, and she is great at explaining things so you can translate what she’s telling you into your day to day.

Debbie W.

My daughter wanted to give her daughter a puppy. The problem was, we live together; and I DID NOT want the hassle.
Then my daughter suggested the puppy live with a professional dog trainer for 3-weeks before coming to live with us. I reluctantly agreed.
That dog trainer was Sarah.
At only 5 months old, and only 3 weeks with Sarah; this puppy knows and obeys the following commands: sit, stay, drop it, come, no and down. If we want her to go into her crate, we say “home” and her play pen we say “room”.
Sarah also taught compliance with walking on a leash, bathing and brushing (fur and teeth).
I AM AMAZED!!! Thank you Sarah!

Lauraine D.

Sarah has made such a Big difference in how we successfully communicate with our dog now. She has been training dogs for so long and has such a calm, commanding nature that my dog immediately responded to her and was not afraid.
My dog had leash aggression, just getting the leash on was stressful for her – and me! It stopped me from taking my dog on enough walks and I felt so guilty.
Sarah gave me the tools and the knowledge to be the leader and communicate better with my dog.
It’s so affordable. Every session I learn something new, so I never feel like my time & money isn’t well spent.
What makes Sarah unique is she really understands Dog Behavior-the “WHY” behind what they do and what they respond positively to. She taught me what to look for and how to guide my dog to make better choices. I no longer feel helpless. I look forward to our walks now.
I can’t stress enough how happy and satisfied we are!